THANK YOU Tuscaloosa County! We'll Stay Strong & Move Forward.
I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and vote! Without your help, this day would not be possible. I have met so many wonderful people across Tuscaloosa County this past year, and I am excited about the opportunity to serve this community as your next Probate Judge! Again, THANK YOU. Together, we can keep this county strong while we move into the future!
Simply put, my goals will be to:
1) Grow our Economy.
2) Control Expenses.
3) Effectively Deliver Services: Roads, Public Safety, Courthouse, & Probate.
It's About Service
In our county, the Probate Judge wears two hats as the Probate Judge also Chairs the County Commission. The prime responsibility of any elected official, especially the Probate Judge & Chair of the County Commission, should be service! This is a guiding principle of my leadership style.
Our government exists to serve its citizens by managing taxpayers money. When government is entrusted with taxpayer's money, funds should be spent wisely and in ways that benefit the most citizens of our county.
Broad Experience
The Chair of the Commission is responsible for the daily operations of our county government and needs to be a good generalist, capable of getting things done. I will draw on a range of life, military, public safety, business, and governmental experience to move our county forward.
I know the county operations and have worked across all our local jurisdictions to help create a safer and better place to live, work, and raise families.
Change Management
Managing our ongoing growth will take broad, principled leadership. We must tackle our challenges head-on and we need balanced change to do this best. I would keep what has worked well and pursue new ways to keep our county strong, building a bridge to the future.
I look forward to working with the Tuscaloosa County Commission to help shape the next decade of improvements in our community.
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. - Abraham Lincoln
Delivering a keynote at the 2017 National Geospatial Preparedness Conference
Join with me and help us move to new levels of effective government!